Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crazy Love

I have become a bad blogger. I don't do it often enough. I just feel like who really cares about hearing about my thoughts and what's going on besides my mom (Hi Mom!)...So if I bore you I'm sorry!
I hope your weather has been as beautiful as ours down south the last week. Sunshine, crisp cool mornings...perfect for going for a early walk or run...cool afternoons, which at my house means leaving the windows open! I love everything about fall, the smell, the weather, pumpkins, scarecrows, colorful leaves, volleyball games, bonfires, football, chili, and all the other comfort foods that come with it. I just don't like what follows, but we won't dwell on that for now (winter,ugh!)
Last week my dad came to visit. We had a great time. It was so nice to see someone in the family. I sure am missing them. With volleyball season going strong, Craig can't get away for a weekend so that we could travel home. Not sure if I'm ready to make that trip myself, but I may have to try. I'm not sure if I can wait until Thanksgiving to see everyone again.

I'm so thankful for the awesome friends we have here that have become like our family. It makes these long stretches of not seeing family a lot easier. They come to volleyball games, they have me and the kids over for dinner when Craig's traveling and even ask us to spend the night. :) I haven't done that yet, but it would be fun! Craig's season is going really well. They are 10-5, the games they have lost have been super close and a tough loss. But there are other great things going on with the team spiritually, which is more important!

In our home group, which is made up by an awesome bunch of Christ followers, we are reading a book called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. We are having some great discussions and learning moments as we go through this book. It's main focus is to challange Christians to be in love with God. "Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same....It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe-the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galacies and E-minor-loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. and what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss."
This book does an amazing job of letting us know how much God really loves us. I don't know if I've ever grasped how wide and deep His love for us is. I mean, just imagine, as uncomfortable as it might be to do this, your child hanging on a cross. You know you could stop it, but you don't because you know that the world needs your child as a sacrifice for their sins? That's what God did for us! That was His Son on that cross...His Son. Oh, how He loves us!
This is my prayer"
"O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need for farther grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still.Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, so that I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, "Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away." Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long."
-A.W. Tozer

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sneezy Sunday

This weekend was gorgeous! God has blessed us with beautiful weather this memorial day weekend! However, it seems that when the weather takes a turn for the best, my allergies take a turn for the worst! I am an outdoors person. I love to be outside so it really bums me out that all I do when I'm out there is sneeze, sniff, and I am temtped to itch my eyes continuously, and probably would if it weren't for the raccoon eyes I would be left with. Oh well, I'll grin and bear it.
We ended the day at chruch where we had a kickball tourny. Our team won! It was so goofy, but that is what made it so fun. Then we feasted on an International potluck dinner. Ater that we and several other families made the last minute decision to attend the firework spectacular. I didn't really want to go because it was late and I was so tired (as always) A nice evening at home sounded great. But the hubby said, "lets go!" So we went and I am so glad we did. It was a great time with friends and the kids LOVED it!
Today we spent this labor day laboring. Craig worked out in the yard all day. I did a fun little project, which I'm going to post pictures of. It was so relaxing and fun! I started with a little end table. My next project will be an old hutch. It was my grandma's and I have had it for years. It could use a little pick me up. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.
Well, I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Have a great week!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of School

Well, my sweet little Anna Claire went to kindergarten on Tuesday, August 17th. I still can't believe it. The house is so quiet now. Usually about this time, I would be telling her that her quiet time is over and she can turn on the t.v. and watch her favorite cartoon. She would be sitting beside me watching Caillou, while I read or on a good day, napped. Not now, she is at school and the house is so quiet. Jackson is napping and left wondering what I should do. The house is clean, I'm sure there are some nooks and crannies that could be touched up, but that can wait for another day. I've had my quiet time, I read some of Crazy Love, dinner is layed out, laundry is put away. So now, I'm just left to sit here and dwell on how fast time really goes by. I am excited for her though, and she seems to love school! I knew she would. I'd be lying if I said I don't worry about her, the habits she'll pick up, not to mention the germs she'll get along the way, the friends she'll make. I found this devotion the morning I sent her off to kindergarten and it was just what I needed.
The title was "Hand It Over". It just talked about not worrying. Worrying is the opposite of having peace, in fact, it is a peace destroyer. God's will for our life is to live in perfect peace, not to worry about anything. So my prayer that morning, for my sweet, innocent little Anna was, God, transform my thinking. Help me to quit worrying about Anna Claire. Instead I hand her over to you and trust you with every part of her life.
Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you not to worry about your life."
Here are some pictures from the big day!

Monday, July 19, 2010

One year ago...

Wow! I can't believe one year ago today, I wrote my first blog. It feels like it was just a few weeks ago. I still remember where I was sitting and the emotions I was feeling. I was scared to death, lonely, anxious, homesick, but also excited to see why God had moved us down here. I'm not sure if I have an answer to that yet, but great things are happening. This has been an amazing year. As I sit here and think about what God has done in the last 12 months I see how awesome, sovereign, and mighty our God is.

I'm stealing this next quote from a Bible Study I am doing with our women's group at church. It is from Prisilla Shirer, and rings so true in my life. Most of you who know me know I've been in church my whole life. I have sat in the pews and listened to my pappaw preach since I was just a tiny baby. I knew the Word of God was true. I knew God loved me. I knew He was living within me. "What a tragedy it was to have Him living within me, know Scripture, and be acquainted with the ability of God but not recognize the connection between my reality and His ability." Throughout the past year I have finally realized His ability. Maybe that is the reason alone we went through this, so I would stop putting a lid on God's ability to do amazing things in my life, (yeah little ole me), pretty cool, huh? "Our God is predictable in His character, but He is unpredictable in His activity. You cannot box Him in. When you put a lid on a box, it doesn't limit God; it limits your awareness of God. He's still moving and speaking, yet you can be unaware of His transcendence, His greatness, and His ability because it's outside of your little box." How many times have you limited God in your life? I have limited Him most of my life. Looking back, God has always been good to me and blessed me, but how much more could I have been blessed if I really, wholeheartedly, believed, without a shadow of a doubt that God could do ANYTHING I asked for. "Whether God moves is a question of HIs sovereignty, not His ability. What He does is His business. Believing that He CAN is our business." So friends, believe! When I moved down here one year ago I knew this is where God wanted our family. However, that didn't make me any less sad, scared, and yes, a little bitter. But I prayed and prayed for friends, for a church that we could call home and become involved in, for my kids to meet friends, for God to use me and my family. And guess what, God surrounded our family with a group of friends here that I love! They have become like family to us. God led us to a church we love and are involved in. My kids have wonderful friends, and It isn't a coincidence that most of our friends have children around the same ages of our children. God is using Craig at Anderson University. They are leaving for a mission trip in 3 weeks. Yes, God is so good.

One last thing...I often have to remind myself of this. Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
I have a prayer journal I have kept over the years. I love to get it out and read it. It is truly amazing to see the prayers God has answered in my life and the lives of others. It reminds me we serve an awesome God! "God made sunsets and sunrises. He exceeds all expectations. When you know your God is transcendent, that His ability and His truth go infinitely beyond you, then it causes you to pray differently. When you know who you're dealing with, it changes how you relate to Him. It makes you believe for bigger things. You expect more fully than you ever expected because you know that the God you're talking to is not just able, but He also loves you and has your best interest in mind." Priscilla Shirer

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Unconditional Surrender

Unconditional Surrender was the title of my devotion today. It really touched me and I wanted to share my thoughts. I can't believe it has been a year since we made the big decision to move here to Anderson, South Carolina. I remember how I was praying this job wouldn't even be an option for us, but then the call came. The call that told Craig they wanted him to be the the new head volleyball coach at Anderson University. The next couple of weeks were emotionally draining. I was sure I didn't want to move, but Craig was sure he wanted it. Basically, everytime I said no, we're not going to do it, I felt sick. My stomach was in knots and I knew it was the wrong decision. So here I sit in Anderson, SC and I love it. :)
James 4:7-10 "Submit youselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Greive, mourn and wail. Change you laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

A lot of us may find it hard to submit to the Lord, because we like to be in charge. Like, Adam and Eve we decide to ignore God's warning and we make our own course, which like theirs, ends in disaster. I know when I would tell Craig that I didn't want to move, I felt sick, because I knew deep down that God wanted this move for us. He had showed me several time through Bible verses and devotions. He had spoke to me in that still small voice and reminded me to trust Him. I don't know what would've happened if we would've stayed in KY, I don't think it would've ended in disaster, but it may have. I knew I didn't want to overlook the limitations of our understanding and ignore God's wisdom and knowledge.
Another reason we may not submit to the Lord is fear: perhaps we won't like what the Lord chooses for us. (Heck no! I didn't want to move and leave my friends and family and all that I was familiar with). Maybe God isn't asking you to make a huge move, but what is He asking you...to give up a favorite activity or take on an extra responsibility or to stop hanging around certain places or people because its not pleasing to Him? We may also worry about what others may think about our submission (I worried to death about my famiy and their feelings while making this decision). In the end, selfishness and pride can make us reluctant to let God take charge: we cling to our ideas and dreams and prefer to be independent.
The truth is the opposite of what we think. By yielding control to the Lord, we position ourselves to live the abundant spiritual life. We'll experience His deep love, which satisfies more than any other! He will use me and you and our God given gifts to work and make a difference in other's lives. Also, obedience will bring glory to Him as well as blessings to us!
Oh the blessings He has blessed us with since we've been here. He's put amazing people in our life. Just recently I was asked to take over our preschool position at church. In this position I'll get to use my gifts as a teacher and my love for children to serve God and others. The best part is I still get to stay home my children and it also will help out a little with our finances. It's so amazing to step back and look at what God has done in one short year! I'm so excited to see what else He has in store for us.

This devotion came from an In Touch Magazine...with some of my own thoughts added here and there. :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just an Update

Hello all. Sorry it has been so long since I have written. We have been a very busy family the last month or so. We went on a much needed road trip to Ky a couple of weeks ago. It was fabulous! We all enjoyed hanging out and catching up with friends. Then we headed farther north to Ohio. Family time is always refreshing and wonderful! We had a little b-day party to celebrate both the kids birthdays since the family won't be around on their actual birthdays. It was lots of fun. We enjoyed seeing Janelle home from the hospital, yay! Can't wait to see the precious baby boy when he is born.
It was so hard to say goodbye, but once we returned home we were greeted by friendly faces at church, so that made it easier. I spent the last week getting settled back in to our home. I really love it here. We spent a lot of time out in our yard getting it ready for spring. I even was able to plant flowers. I love the weather down here! We've been taking lots of bike rides and walks...we live out in the country in a beautiful neighborhood. You never know what you'll see when your out and about. Yesterday three big turkeys ran across the road in front of us. We've seen a fox, lots of deer and hundreds of squirrels. But my friend, English has spotted a coyote in her yard. She doesn't live in our neighborhood thank goodness! Her husband ran out in his underwear in front of his in-laws and tried to shoot it...he missed.
I've read a great book recently called The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. It has changed our marriage for the better! A fantastic, easy read a would reccommend to anybody that is married or getting married. I wish I would've read it 7 years ago...it would've saved us from a lot of arguments and grief. Now I'm reading The Proper Care and Feeding of a Marriage, by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Oh, I have also been blessed with a job at our church. I'm in charge of the pre-school program on Sunday mornings. It's just about 10 hours a week. It was an anwer to prayer. It provides a little extra income, they provide a babysitter at the church for me on Friday mornings. My official start date is April 1st.
Well, I am going to bed. Good night and I hope it won't be so long before I write again.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have been blessed tonight and am reminded of God's awesomeness...I may have just made that word up. :) I found an old prayer journal of mine that I kept during our tough financial period while living in Kentucky. It is amazing to see the puzzle pieces put into place through this journey. I just want to share with you a couple of the entries I wrote. This one is dated January 9, 2009. This is while we were still in the process of a job search and wondering how we were going to make it month to month.
I wrote, "Dear God, thank you for the peace you have given me. I don't understand it, but I rejoice because of it. Not only to feel peace about our situation, but I feel excitement also! I'm excited to see where you are going to take us. I am excited to see what is around the corner. Whatever it is Lord, I pray that we follow Your will for our lives. I know you will provide for us in the present and in the future. Thank you for providing for us in the past...I want to pray for Craig now. Please just give him patience and humility during this time. I also pray that his confidence won't be damaged b/c of jobs he has not gotten. Lord, guide him in the direction you want him to go. I pray Lord that I will trust him and be submissive to whatever direction you are leading him. Lord, let the doors start to open. 1 Peter 5:7 says to "cast all my anxiety on you because you care for me." That Lord is what I am doing! Your word also says "ask and it will be given." Lord I'm asking you daily for Craig to find a job and for financial security. I know Lord in Your time our prayers will be answered. How exciting! Amen. "

This next entry is dated March 10, 2009
Dear Lord, I'm confused. I don't even know what to pray for anymore, other than your will be done. Craig is on his way to an interview in Anderson, SC as I am writing this. I'm not excited about that at all. I know in my mind what I want, but it may no be what you want, which makes me sad. Please don't take me farther from my family. I try not to tell you what to do, but that is one thing I really don't want! I don't understand how or why you would want to take us farther away...But like I said, I don't know what to pray for anymore. I don't want to lose hope because I know your time is perfect. Remind me of that daily!
(This next request is funny!) Also Lord, I pray for a sign and a BIG one, if you want us elsewhere. (How ironic! He sure did send a huge sign! See blog #1.) Help me to listen for you. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the lord. Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." The following came from a devotion I just read.
(This is still from my journal entry)...Like Abraham, we might believe God's promises but prefer immediate results. Or we may just want things done our way. Instead, ask the Lord to lead you. Then wait for Him. His way may not be what you think you want but it is always best!!"

Wow! That was so neat for me to read, b/c here I sit almost a year later in Anderson, South Carolina. God you are good! Yes, I miss my friends. Yes, I miss my family. But, God you have blessed us! Craig loves his job. I'm able to stay home with my wonderful kids. We found a wonderful church...and most of all, you have put some pretty amazing people in our life! Thank you for change. It may not always be what WE want, but once again Lord, you have proved that you know what's best.